Submit a Question

Have a question about MsgFiler that you want to ask of the community? Post it here and you’ll get a response!

184 thoughts on “Submit a Question”

  1. On Sonoma, everything behaves as expected, but nothing gets filed, regardless of account. That is, I can’t file Gmail, nor iCloud, nor any other mail server. I’ve been round, and round on settings, restarting Mail, and MsgFiler, and nothing helps. Any thoughts?

    By the way, I’ve been using MsgFiler for decades. Great product. I think this is the first problem I’ve had that I couldn’t solve myself.

  2. HI Adam, I have tried to install the keepMsgFilerRunning script following your instructions, but MF does not start, and I get

    open /tmp/msgfiler-open.log 

    The file /tmp/msgfiler-open.log does not exist.

    1. Make sure that the script works by doing the following in Terminal app:

      1. Open Terminal.
      2. Type and press return: cd /usr/local/bin
      3. Type and press return: bash

      See what happens. If MsgFIler opens (provided Mail is running), then you may have entered something incorrectly in the cron entry.

      Also, I would post a comment on the original post, since this Submit a Question section is getting quite long.

      1. I get an error too –>

        NM_MacBook@Nimishs-MacBook-Pro bin %  bash line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf2761: command not found line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}’ line 2: `cocoatextscaling0cocoaplatform0{fonttblf0fnilfcharset0 Menlo-Regular;}’

        NM_MacBook@Nimishs-MacBook-Pro bin % 

      2. Looks like there might be a mistake in the script? Make sure the file is saved as a straight text file. Sometimes TextEdit adds things like smart quotes and other things that muck up the formatting. I’ve used apps like BBEdit to create plain text files.

      3. Hi Adam,

        Same thing, nothing happens, the log does not exist.

        I would be happy to have posted this in a different place, but I am not sure where…

      4. You can go to the original post here and leave a comment:

        The log file won’t write anything if Mail is open and MsgFiler is running. Looks like the script is having a problem. How did you create the script file? Make sure the file doesn’t have funny characters or smart quotes that might have resulted from copying and pasting the contents of the script in the article.

        I may make a video describing how to do this, so people can follow along. Stay tuned!

  3. Hi Adam. I’ve just purchased MsgFiler, which is running on Sonoma, and couldn’t be happier. I only wish it was part of Apple Mail itself, like it was the case with MailHub, but I think with what Apple did lately with Sonoma, it may be a long way to go, or perhaps never.

    I’d like to ask you an unrelated question, if I may: are you aware of a email template pluggin/app for Apple Mail? I’ve explored MailButler, but it was packed with too many features, rather cumbersome to use and too expensive for this use case.

    1. Just to be more precise: I’m not looking at fancy marketing email template generators here, but rather to ease and standardize replies, even in plain text format.

    2. I am not personally aware of any email template apps for Mail. I tend to write the same replies over and over, so I could benefit from something like that too. I do use tools like Keyboard Maestro and Alfred, and I think they can be configured to provide text snippets that you can easily paste into Mail. I would also look at Shortcuts. It’s pretty easy to create a shortcut that displays a menu. When you choose a menu item, it copies text to the clipboard, switches to Mail, and pastes the content in the frontmost compose mail window (via AppleScript).

  4. I use the the Apple Mail app most of the time in full screen mode.

    When msgFiler 4.1.2 is started, and I am in that is in full screen mode, then press CMD+9 I am moved out of fullscreen space into a regular desktop space and the msgFiler window is displayed for a moment and it closes.

    In order to get msgFiler on top of in fullscreen mode I need to quit msgFiler, start it again when on the full screen space and then press CMD+9.

    It works for some time, but then at random the behavior reverts to what I wrote in the second paragraph of this message.

    Please advise whether it’s possible to make the msgFiler window always hoover over the in full screen mode.

    Kind regards,

      1. I already had this option enabled, unfortunately the behavior is the same.

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